Your behavior and your loved ones' behavior is being expressed consciously from deep inside your souls. I have researched non-dual states of consciousness professionally and personally for over 20 years and have discovered a new way of understanding what underlies it.


Soul Energy:


Still Can’t Explain it

A professional person traveled to a foreign country to attend a large meeting. She wanted to find help from a certain professional among hundreds of participants. She went to a meeting where she thought he might be. She went in and sat down waiting for the speaker to begin. The gentleman next to her introduced himself and she recognized his name as the person she had been looking for. She felt that chance (probability) did not explain it. Let’s see if it does: “You could join 2 eight studded lego bricks 24 ways and 6 bricks nearly 300,000,000 ways. With 30 billion neutrons, we end up with something like 300 trillion cortical synaptic connections.” ( David G. Meyers 2001) So two people using cognitive decisions to fly to a foreign country, walk into a room and sit next to each other when they are strangers can use many more cortical synaptic connections than the lego blocks. The probability of a random event occuring is a number between 0 and 1 where 0 indicates impossibility and 1 indicates certainty. Conditional probability shows that under certain conditions, the probability number may increase. Even though the probability that a person can find another person among fellow professionals attending a meeting may increase the probability, when we also consider the number of synaptic connections involved, the probability number would be close to becoming an impossibility. Maybe something other than probability brought these two strangers together. One of the professionals was Dr. Diane Halpern who felt neuroscience did not explain her experience: ” sometimes there is a mismatch between what you know and what you feel.” Christian DeQuincey, author of Radical Nature, sums it all up: “Energy flows, Consciousness feels.”

Can Modern Psychology Explain What Soul Energy is?

Why does your energy react so emotionally to certain music, animals, flowers and human behaviors over others? Why do they all become so important to you in your life? Angeles Arrien, an anthropologist, was inspired by Carl Jung’s quote: ” The psychological mechanisms for transforming energy is the symbol.” She studied civilizations who were not in direct contact with each other on earth. She found that they all had some symbols and meanings in common with each other. How could they all come up with the same symbols and meanings without interacting with each other about them? Her studies led her to the conclusion that symbols convey the meaning and intentions of the psyche.

The symbols that I use to help you connect with your inner deepest meanings and intentions have been collected from different cultures, different religions, different mythical stories, and from different psychological interpretations. I share stories from famous people about how they have applied the knowledge uncovered from using these symbols, to express their soul energies to the outer world from their inner world. How does finding your unique Soul Sign help you with your family relationships?

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  • Blog

    Soul Energy: Neuroscience Still Can’t Explain it A professional person traveled to a foreign country to attend a large meeting. She wanted to find help from a certain professional among hundreds of participants. She went to a meeting where she thought he might be. She went in and sat down waiting for the speaker to…

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